jueves, 8 de julio de 2010


Hey there.....
I have to share this imaginary readers....
Yes, I am truly over excited about this.
It means many new things for me.
I think this is one of those very few entries where I really talk about me,
Who I am. What I do. I don´t intend to make this blog my diary,
I already own a diary, so this is just because I feel like screaming:
soon I´LL BE FREE!!!!!

I have many concerns and things to do before I go and when I arrive at Spain,
but they just go away when I think off all the amazing stuff that entitles living abroad.
One of the things I can´t even begin to think about is leaving behind my pets,
Do you wan´t to meet them?, well even if you don´t, here they are....

Bullet, the super human protective dog

Edward, the hairless marshmallow rat

Sherlock, the pacifist chinese hamster

Watson, the crazy red eyed also chinese hamster.

Yes yes, I am an animal lover, and yes I do kiss the hairless rat, and NO I don´t think he is
disgusting or ugly.

And then, Family and Friends, well thats tough too. But I´ll be able to communicate with them in some way. Right? And I´ll be close to other friends in Europe.

Also I hope to come up with many new stories and funny stuff to write about so you can
read about it imaginary readers. It won´t exactly be about me, but inspiration comes to
me when I travel.
Well the bragging is over :) :) :) ........
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1 comentario:

M. Navarro dijo...

ya quiero que te vayas cawn :P