domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Mary-go-round (Chapter five)


By: Carla Sierra Arzuffi

Chapter five: "Riddles" 

When my mom woke me up in the morning I had trouble opening my eyes, my whole body felt heavy.
"Good morning sweetheart, how are you feeling?" my mom said as she opened the curtains.
I moaned pulling the covers over my head.
Everything about last night came back to me in a flash. Peter. Peter was here. The book. Old Tom. I had to meet Peter at the cliff.

I quickly pushed myself out of bed as my mom continued to make a survey of my room, picking clothes form the floor and rearranging things. I felt dizzy from the sudden sprout and I had to sit to recover myself. I saw the book was in the floor so I quickly picked it up and I placed it bellow my pillow. 

"What time is it?" I asked my mom placing my hands in my head. 
"9:00 am" she answered "I hope you are feeling better, Im gonna make you homemade pancakes with homemade syrup". She encouraged me to get up and directed me into the bathroom to take a shower.
I let the water run cold, I needed to be completely awake and aware of everything if I was going to be able to continue in this insanity of a plot that was developing around my life.

Breakfast went as usual, every now and then I would catch my dad looking at me in a weird way , maybe he knew something. Ok that was crazy, he didn't know anything, but maybe he sensed something had changed within me, I could sense it too, but I could not see it, maybe he could. Although my dad was a regular poster dad, he went to work all week, he played golf on the weekends, he was a master with the barbecue in get togethers and he treated my mother kindly and with respect, sometimes he would say something that would completely throw me off, just a quick comment that made me think he wasn't completely taken and settled with the perfectness of things and life. Or maybe I just wanted to believe that. At this point, everything was a riddle inside my brain. 
The hours passed slowly, but finally at 11:15 I took the book, said my goodbyes to my family and told them I was going into town to buy socks, which I really needed, that wasn't a lie, entirely.  

My cliff was at the outskirts of town, people never went there, they didn't need to, they had everything they needed inside our perfect little town. From this magical place I could see the mountains stretching endlessly into the sky, it always made me feel better to sit at the edge and just stare at the wholeness of the world I so desperately wanted to figure out. 

The walk to the cliff usually took me half and hour, but today I was walking slower than usual, so exactly at 11:55 I was climbing the road to my magical place. From the distance I saw him. So it hadn't been a dream, it was real. Peter was back in town. 
He was staring into the mountains so he didn't see me coming, but Im sure he could hear me. 

"Hey" I said softy. 
Peter turned and I could finally see his face clearly. He was still beautiful.
"Hey" he said back with a smile. "Im glad you came" 
Of course I would come, I thought to myself. How could I not. 

He motioned me to sit as he did the same. Our legs hanged from the cliff as the warm air crashed softly into our faces and hair. 
"I need you to tell me everything" I said staring right into his eyes. For a moment it was like he had never left, like we were still 17, young and happy. 
"Yes" Peter said, he took a deep breath. 
We were silent for a few seconds, and then he started his story. 

"We had no waring, it all happened so quickly, that night, the night of prom, I arrived home with my spirits high, since it had been a wonderful night" 
I smiled remembering it all. 

"I was surprised to see the lights on, since I thought my parents would be in bed, but they were not. As I entered the house I saw my mom sitting on the couch with her hands on her face, I could hear my dad at his study, moving stuff, cursing. I approached my mom and asked if everything was alright, she looked and me, and with that simple look I knew something was wrong. I walked inside my dads study and I saw him going through piles and piles of paper, he stopped for a second and all he said was "I´m sorry", I didn't know what he was asking forgiveness for, but a few seconds later there was a big crash on the door, I heard my mother scream. I saw five men, dresses all in black come inside, my adrenaline was running high, I tried to protect my father, but it was a stupid attempt, one of the men in black approached me and touched me with something, I don't remember or know what it was, but I was immediately out, darkness took me, and I feel asleep, or something like that. I was aware, conscious in a way, but nothing around me in this darkness made sense". 

I didn't know what was Peter talking about, I could see he didn't truly understand it himself, he was still confused, I moved my hand and placed it into his. This seemed to gave him strength to continue his story. 

"I dont know how long I was out, it could have been minutes, hours, days or months, but then light started to creep slowly into my dreams, and I woke up. I was in my bed, in my room. I remember being so confused, and everything was a blur, I heard my mothers voice downstairs, even though I was dizzy I managed to get out of bed and walk down the stairs following the familiar voice of the woman I used to know as my mother, and there she was, in the kitchen, making breakfast. My dad came in, he smiles at me and said "Good morning champ" my mother turned and started at me "Hey Peter, did you sleep well?" she said. I was confused, to say the least. But then I wasn't, in just a second. It was like everything was okay again, like everything had just been a bad dream. Life went on as usual, or at least I thought it did. Everything felt normal, we all looked normal, except we weren't." 

I risked interrupting him "Peter" I said "I don't really understand what you are saying". 
"I know" he answered "I didn't at first, Im telling you what I remember, how I remember it, how I felt". 
He shifted his body so he was now staring directly at me. 

"The thing was, nothing was normal, I didn't notice, we didn't noticed, but we never left the house, I don't know how we could not see that, it was so obvious, but we didn't, it all was like a dream, like a movie that kept playing over and over again. We were trapped, inside the house, inside the same routine, every single day. Again, I don't know how long we were like this, I was blinded, doped, lost. But one day, I woke up, and I could remember, I could remember you. You had been lost inside my head for so long. I didn't remember you existed, but suddenly I did. Mary, you. And then I could remember almost everything, my past, my life, and I knew something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong"


I´m alive, I think. All my loving.

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