viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Peephole (Part three)

(Part three) 

(You can also scroll down for part one and two)

He slowly started to open his eyes. Confusion was written all over his face. Then it changed to embarrassment since he had been tied down to a chair by a girl, and not just A GIRL, this girl. And last, but not least, the familiar anger in his face started to show, the transition was complete. And then just like that, “angry eyes” was long gone, “furious eyes” had finally showed up to our small party.

He tried to talk, but my dirty socks got in the way. I could almost taste them, I could almost feel the sheets wrapped around my hands, I could almost feel my eye swelling from the kick, I could almost feel the fury taking over me, almost, but it was not me this time. It was him.

I smiled, taking in the moment; I got up and picked up a left over beer that was in the floor.  I sipped the familiar liquid , something that was not supposed to taste good tasted like glory, oh the good feeling I could taste now, from now on, if I survived this, or got away with it; an old, hot, left over beer would taste like glory to me.

“So, mister, you got yourself in a pretty fucked up situation, I mean you could have just let me go, but oh no, you had to come looking for trouble, and look where it got you. Beaten up by a girl, that must suck”

He started to shake like a caged beast trying to free himself from the chair, but the one thing I had learned in girl scouts it was how to tie something up.

“I never wanted us to be in this situation, I really didn’t, there are not many options left for us, are they?, I´ll make you a deal, we can talk this over, you and me. Find a solution, one where neither of us ends up dead, but for that, I need you to CALM THE FUCK DOWN”

He finally stopped shaking, and to my surprise, he nodded.

Things were not always like this with us. We used to be like that couples you see on the street, that couples you envy and hate. That was us. But power is something that can really destroy two people, and “it” destroyed us, not only that amazing “us together” part, but us, as individuals.
I suddenly remembered the girl I use to be, I missed that part of me, I wanted to rip “fury eyes” apart for making me into this monster, and he probably wanted to do the same thing to me. I wasn’t the only one to blame, we were not the only ones to blame, it was also this thing we were fighting over.

I took another sip of my glory beer and went into the bathroom. I took “It” from behind the toilet. I carefully placed “it” in front of him. His eyes were glowing, he was in a trance.  
I lowered my eyes to “it”, and suddenly it was like I forgot everything. “It” was so beautiful, so powerful. “It” started to irradiate his amazing light, he was calling to me. “It” belonged with me; “it” had chosen me. “It” was mine.

 To be continued....


PS: I made some changes to the design, hope you like it (The photos in the back where taking by me, hurray!) 

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