miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

A or B, no C or D (Chapter two: The naked truth)

A or B, no C or D

By: Carla L. Sierra Arzuffi

Chapter two: The naked truth.

My brain started to work again, I felt cold. I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry. There was a lot of pink in front of me. As my vision started to come back I saw that the pink was my body, I was full fronted naked and laying on my not so comfortable floor. I drifted my eyes and saw my bed, and there he was, Link sitting, starting down at me, his short legs where hanging from the bed while he moved them like a little kid waiting for his mom to pick him up.

So it was real, it was not a dream. A leprechaun was in my room, staring down at me and I was naked. With my hands I found my towel and rapped it around me as quickly as I could, but who was I kidding, I didn’t know how long had I been naked on the floor while this strange looking fellow was staring at me. He probably already saw all of me,  an absolute all. 

Well, hello there again” he said with his distinct sweet voice. “You passed out, sorry for that, that sure happens to me a lot lately”
How long was I out?” I asked.

A while” Link got up as I straightened myself into a more comfortable and less vulnerable position.
“Well maybe if you would stop doing weird stuff like biting your arm like a cannibal-freak, people would stop passing out in front of you.” I felt sort of angry to this creature, why was he here anyway?.

“Its all just part of the show my dear” he said, “Now get dressed because I can still see a part of your breast and I think I have seen enough”

I just up feeling a little lightheaded “Like you have seen enough boobs” I muttered angrily.

“Actually as a matter of a fact, I have” He answered as I picked up the sundress I had laid earlier on my favorite comfortable puffy sofa. “ But breast, or boobs like you youngsters call them, are just not my type”

“What is your type?” I really didn’t want to know, but I felt obligated to ask.

“Us, leprechauns are a weird species, mostly because we can’t mate to procreate, and by that I mean there are only male leprechauns, no females. So after a while, if you want to mate, and we do, its usually with other male specimens”

I was just pulling the last of the dress on when he said that, I couldn’t help to laugh loudly.
“So all of you are like, gay?”

“You could say that, yes, although we don’t like that label, it comes with a lot of judgment, and god made us all equals and we must not judge by the gender of who we sleep with or fall in love with” he said softly.

I couldn’t believe that this little thing was giving me a “gay rights-equality” speech. Why were we talking about this? I just started at him for a while. He was smiling with a cute smirk.

“So, Link, why are you here?” I asked. That is really what I wanted to know, not about his sex life. The picture of him having sex with another leprechaun was something I would probably need therapy to get rid off.

“Ohh, the intriguing and very expected question” he said “of why am I here. Well, Rebecca, why don’t you sit down” he motioned me to sit on my sofa while he was still standing on my bed, which by the way had a nasty blood stain that didn’t quite fit with my cute favorite peach color. Yes, I was one of those girls that could be tough but also liked pastel girly colors.

“What’s this all about, you know my name so I guess you know more about me than I thought ”  I was the one making questions, and I would be for a while.

“Yes, I know about you” Link said now with a more serious voice “And I am here for you. Let me start by telling you that common folk story say a lot of lies about my kind, we are not that greedy, and no, before you ask, you will never find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow”

Thanks for saving me the time Link” I said sarcastically.

Ok. Rebecca, you better stop the act right now, I’m not here to talk to you about simple things, or tell you a bedtime story, this is the real thing, what I’m about to tell you is very important”

Now I was freaked out. I don’t believe much in stupid fantasy stories, but I do believe that if something like this happens to you, it is for a very good reason. And Link was not here to play, I could see now he was all business.

“Ok” I said, now I was also in my serious tone “Let it all out, the naked truth”.

Thanks for reading my little snails, or whatever. 


miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

A or B, no C or D (Chapter one: The bloody peach sheets).

A or B, no C or D

By: Carla L. Sierra Arzuffi

Chapter one:  The bloody peach sheets.

On my way home I thought about how lucky I was to be in New York and how lucky New York was to have me, I was beautiful, young and talented, sure, the last couple of months haven’t been the greatest for me, I hadn’t been able to book one single acting job, but I was an optimist. I came to this hectic city from a small town a year ago, I was one of those actresses that wanted to make it on the big apple. But I was better than most of the other ones, of that I was sure. I was feeling lucky because yesterday was a lucky day for me. I was lucky enough to audition for a huge role on a Sean Penn movie and I was lucky enough to have hooked up with a gorgeous Calvin Klein model. Yeah, life was good. Yesterday could erase the last couple of crappy months.

Where I come from this sort of things just don’t happen for a girl, usually you just live near your parent’s house and you get married and have children to continue the vicious cycle of life. Sure, that would be something nice to do, I love children, specially my nephews, but I wanted to prove everyone I could be an actress. I had a backup plan, or more like a future plan, I envisioned myself to marry another actor and then have beautiful famous toddlers that everyone would envy, and then even adopt (Like Brad and Angelina). I secretly had a picture of the whole Bradgelina family on vacation saved on my wish box. After watching “The secret” I usually did this sort of thing hoping that the universe will take care of me.

It was a very warm day in the city; the streets were almost empty since everyone was probably on places that have air conditioning. I bought a cone of raspberry ice-cream and savored it while planning my perfect future where I would have it all. I went up the stairs of my not so crappy apartment, believe me it was not that crappy compared to the place I had lived my first tree months in New York. Of course I had no air conditioning, but I had two air ventilators that I proceed to turn on as I finished my ice-cream.

I checked my messages in the machine, there was the usual message from my mom “How are you sweetie, ready to come home? Just kidding, hope everything went great on the audition, your dad and I miss you, but we are very proud of you, your sisters say hello, love you” beep.

I appreciated that my parents were sort of supportive; yes it was something difficult for them. I was the youngest of five girls, but my parents still managed to give each us the attention we needed, of course my sisters were all living in my hometown and were married and tree of them already had children. I know deep inside my parents wished I had followed my sister’s footsteps, but they had to accept that I was the one with the “bigger dreams”

Hearing my mothers voice made me feel nostalgic about the past, specially my childhood, I was a happy kid, my early days are filled with lovely memories of me running around free, of course the freedom you have in your childhood is completely different from to the one you have or want to achieve as an adult. I suddenly got this strange feeling, like something was watching me, like something would come out prancing trough a dark corner and attack me. This was a feeling I have had since my early teens, the feeling of being observed when you are around people but specially when you are alone.

I quickly pushed the feeling aside and went into the bathroom to take a bubble bath. I took my time in it, remembering my happiest moments, I had to admit that since I turned 19 there haven’t been so many of those kind of memories you want to cherish, mostly things you want to forget, or things that don’t even pop in your head ever again.

Last night was a night to remember, that guy sure was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s. Guys mostly think girls cant talk or think like them, you know, like straight-attraction- sex, admiration of the body and features’, no feelings involved, but we sure as hell can, and I was one of those girls, sure I cherished my secret idea of marriage and kids and wealth and big house and golfing and dogs and mini –vans, but while I was still young, and I was, I wanted to do whatever came up in my way, go with the flow.

I wasn’t searching for a boyfriend or love at the moment, just pure pleasure. I was so keen to that idea I didn’t even remember the Calvin dude name, I was sure I was never to see him again, it was just sex, no exchange of phone numbers and awkward waiting by the phone to receive a call five days after the “night it happened” followed by an uncomfortable date where you both realize it was just a one-night-booze thing and you have nothing in common. A one-night stand was a one-night stand, and I seriously think woman should stop clinging to the urban myth that “that night” can turn into a relationship or even worse, that the guy can turn into your future husband.  I would probably meet my future husband on set, while we play lovers on screen we will become lovers on real life. Yeap, that was it.

My skin was getting wrinkly announcing it was time to get out of the tub. I scrubbed my hair with the towel and wrapped it around me. I walked into my room ready to start the “pimping myself after a bath” ritual when I noticed there was something in my bed that was definitely not there before.

It was not something, it appeared to be someone, just someone little. I wanted to scream or run but I could not get my eyes off the strange thing. He was tinny and wearing a green cute suit matched to a pair of little black boots and a tiny cup hat. I was sure I had seen a creature like that somewhere, probably on a kid’s book, or in San Patrick’s day. I must have gone crazy or fallen asleep at the tub, because I was sure that I was seeing a small leprechaun. For a moment I thought it could be a toy or just a figure, then the little guy moved and smiled at me.

Hello”- He said with a sweet voice that suited him. Even thought this was strange situation, I managed to say Hello back. This was probably a trick of some sort.

“My name is Link, what’s yours?” – He asked. I couldn't help but laugh. He didn’t look exactly like the character of the videogame, but it was close enough.

“Hi Link, my name is Princess Zelda, mmmm are you some kind of advanced robot or something like that” I said pretty content with my answer.

No” he answered with a cute smile “I am not a robot. I am real, flesh and bone”

“Prove it” I dared the robot leprechaun.

Link rolled his eyes as is he dealt with this kind of thing every single day, then his sweet face completely changed. Instead of his small perfect teeth, piranha-like sharp teeth appeared inside his mouth, his blue eyes turned red while his veins popped out all over his face and body like he just lifted a huge weight. He then moved up his arm and took a bite; he ripped a huge chunk of his tiny arm and spitted the flesh into my perfect peach sheets. Blood dripped out of his arm; the wound was so deep I could identify from the distance a piece of his bone. His face changed again into the innocent creature I was first introduced, he slicked out his tongue and started licking the wound, it immediately started to heal and flesh started to grow back.
 I, of course passed out. 

To be continued.........


viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Peephole (last part)

(last part)
(Be sure to read parts one, two, and three)

This was a familiar taste. The best of all. The crème de la crème. I can’t even begin to describe it, it is like trying to simplify your happiest day on earth, the most delicious food, the best fuck you have ever had, your proudest moment, your favorite song, seeing the Eiffel tower for the first time, laughing till you cry, a full moon, driving your first car, getting an A on your hardest exam, your first valentine’s day with someone you love, hearing Claire de Lune on a summer night, climbing on top of a mountain, the love you feel for your soul mate, pleasure, happiness, power building up inside of you.

In the middle of this majestic trance I heard a moan. I stopped looking at “it” and raised my eyes. “Fury eyes” was moaning, heavily. His eyes where no longer what they used to be, they were a strange color and backwards, he was soaked in sweat. I approached him nervously.

“Hey, Adam”- my voice was a whisper; it had been a long since I pronounced his name out loud, or even thought of it. I was scared.

“Are you ok?

 He wasn’t answering. I took the sock out of his mouth, this was a mistake, he started biting his tongue, while blood was coming out of his mouth I tried to open it to place the sock back, but my hands slipped in his chin and cheeks from all the blood. I started screaming.


The chair started to levitate from the floor with Adam in it, like something was moving him with invisible cords. I could not believe what I was seeing, was this really happening?. I couldn’t let myself see “it” again, but there was this strange light irradiating from “it” and wrapping itself all over Adam. And then I tasted it, the worst feeling I had ever tasted. This was it. I was petrified. I could not move or talk, my mouth was dry. My knees gave up and I fell to the floor. Adam screamed, it was the worst sound I have ever heard.

I remember the first time I ever saw Adam, perfect hair, and a sparkle in his eyes, goodness, sweetness, love. I never was the one to believe in that bullshit, the “love at first sight” kind of thing, but at that very moment, looking into Adam eyes, I knew it was possible, he was my soul mate, we were meant to be together. I never loved anyone as much as I loved him; it was the kind of love that could kill. I remember that feeling, were you know you can’t exist without that other half, him, I remember the taste. But something had gone terribly wrong.

I covered my ears, his scream was suffocating me. The light coming from “it” grew stronger and stronger. I couldn’t see Adam anymore, only that white light, blinding me. I closed my eyes and started to hum loudly. Suddenly Adam stopped screaming and I felt warm. There was finally silence.

I didn’t want to open my eyes. I knew that something had gone wrong, no, not wrong, the worst had finally happened. My eye lids felt heavy but I managed to open them. Adam was gone, the only remains of his presence where now on the floor, the chair, the sheets and my old dirty socks. 

“It” was also gone.

 “It” had finally done its job. “It” had consumed our happiness, our love, the goodness in us, and “it” had consumed Adam. I don’t remember much after that; I can only remember the taste perfectly. The taste of emptiness. The taste of nothing.


Hope you liked it.
All my loving.

Peephole (Part three)

(Part three) 

(You can also scroll down for part one and two)

He slowly started to open his eyes. Confusion was written all over his face. Then it changed to embarrassment since he had been tied down to a chair by a girl, and not just A GIRL, this girl. And last, but not least, the familiar anger in his face started to show, the transition was complete. And then just like that, “angry eyes” was long gone, “furious eyes” had finally showed up to our small party.

He tried to talk, but my dirty socks got in the way. I could almost taste them, I could almost feel the sheets wrapped around my hands, I could almost feel my eye swelling from the kick, I could almost feel the fury taking over me, almost, but it was not me this time. It was him.

I smiled, taking in the moment; I got up and picked up a left over beer that was in the floor.  I sipped the familiar liquid , something that was not supposed to taste good tasted like glory, oh the good feeling I could taste now, from now on, if I survived this, or got away with it; an old, hot, left over beer would taste like glory to me.

“So, mister, you got yourself in a pretty fucked up situation, I mean you could have just let me go, but oh no, you had to come looking for trouble, and look where it got you. Beaten up by a girl, that must suck”

He started to shake like a caged beast trying to free himself from the chair, but the one thing I had learned in girl scouts it was how to tie something up.

“I never wanted us to be in this situation, I really didn’t, there are not many options left for us, are they?, I´ll make you a deal, we can talk this over, you and me. Find a solution, one where neither of us ends up dead, but for that, I need you to CALM THE FUCK DOWN”

He finally stopped shaking, and to my surprise, he nodded.

Things were not always like this with us. We used to be like that couples you see on the street, that couples you envy and hate. That was us. But power is something that can really destroy two people, and “it” destroyed us, not only that amazing “us together” part, but us, as individuals.
I suddenly remembered the girl I use to be, I missed that part of me, I wanted to rip “fury eyes” apart for making me into this monster, and he probably wanted to do the same thing to me. I wasn’t the only one to blame, we were not the only ones to blame, it was also this thing we were fighting over.

I took another sip of my glory beer and went into the bathroom. I took “It” from behind the toilet. I carefully placed “it” in front of him. His eyes were glowing, he was in a trance.  
I lowered my eyes to “it”, and suddenly it was like I forgot everything. “It” was so beautiful, so powerful. “It” started to irradiate his amazing light, he was calling to me. “It” belonged with me; “it” had chosen me. “It” was mine.

 To be continued....


PS: I made some changes to the design, hope you like it (The photos in the back where taking by me, hurray!) 

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Peephole (Part two)

(Part two)

I started counting in my head, if this was it, I at least wanted to know how long would it take for me to die without air. When I got to twenty I was beginning to get worried, maybe I didn’t want to die, at least not right now, or not like this. It was a pretty lame way to die.

I counted to thirty and then I lifted my knee and kicked “angry eyes” right in the balls. He of course stopped chocking me and moved his hands around his private parts screaming in pain “YOU BITCH, YOU BITCH”, I founded it kind of funny, for the first time ever I was watching this guy below me crying like a little girl, well a little girl with a dirty mouth.  I had the power now, I could have his balls around my hand and control him like my fucking puppet, at least that was what I was thinking at the moment. Of course I could be wrong, maybe I wasn’t going to become her “master” anytime soon.  This was the moment he was vulnerable, he was in pain, so I decided to take advantage of this. I lifted my leg and without thinking it trough I kicked him in the face with all the strength I had. Blood flew out of his mouth as he hit the ground twisting in pain.

WADDA FUCK?” he said, spitting blood into the carpet.
I again moved my leg and kicked him in his pretty face, now there was blood all over his perfect hair, and he was lying unconscious.  I hoped he wasn’t dead. I approached his limped body carefully and touched his throat trying to feel a pulse. He had one. I sighed in relief.

The next series of events I performed in a “zombie like” manner.  I used the “disease sheets” to tie him up to a chair, stuffed a pair of old socks into his mouth, searched his pants, found a knife, grabbed a glass, filled it with dirty toilet water , sat in front of him, threw the dirty water at this face and proceeded to wait for him to wake up.

Life is not supposed to be easy. At least that’s what everyone tells you, and I guess it is true, that is why you have to take control of it. Life is like a car, you are the one driving it, if you want to crash it, you sure will. Sometimes you can’t help a bump here or there without your intention, but that is no excuse to scratch it frequently  and blame it on everyone else. 
I guess I could have let him kill me, sure I could have, but I didn’t, and I would not give him the chance to try to do it again, at least not under my watch.

I smelled the air searching for trouble up ahead, everything smelled salty, frisky. Sure enough, peace was not on the horizon any time soon.

To be continued..... 

 Thank you for reading....


Peephole (Part one)

(Part one)

Life is not supposed to be easy. At least that’s what everyone tells you, and I guess it is true, but there is something sweet in all the bitterness you face in life, there is a certain pleasure. I am not a masochist, that I realized when I was 12, so that is not the point.  Still, testing that sour fucked up things that happenen to me was something I cherished. Why is that?
Well for one thing I am very good at remembering flavors and smells, that I realized when I was 6, everyone in my family still makes fun of it when I mention it, but I consider it my one and only true gift, maybe it is not special, but when you are only really good at one thing, you kind off have to like it.

So maybe by now you can figure out why I cherish it, I use my only gift to identify heart crushing situations, disappointment, pain, confusion, well, any "bad" feeling you can think about, I can actually taste it before it comes, like a premonition. 

So that day on July I just knew something bad was coming, my past, my present and my future were gathering together to bit me right in the ass, hard. I did what I knew best, run away. The true greatness of my so called gift is that I can actually choose what to feel if I know what is coming, sometimes it is good to let yourself feel that something, but it is easier to run to the opposite direction and shove everything in the “unwanted feelings” drawer.

My escape plan for the first time ever, did not work as I planned.

As I was finishing my way to cold shower there was a knock on the door, it surprised me, since no one knew I was here. I shouted the regular “COMING” and got dressed as quickly as I could. With my long hair still dripping I opened the door, stupid me I should have seen first trough the peephole. 
And there he was, just like I remembered him, perfect hair, angry eyes.

“What are you going here?”  Was the first thing I could say.
“Where is it?” he asked. Boy was he angry. But in the end, I expected him to be angry, hell I had stolen from him, well not from him, because what I had “stolen” was not just his, it was also mine. 

My arms moved quickly as I tried to shut the door, he was quicker; he shoved his foot making my effort to run away again, even if it was just a few minutes, a complete failure.
He opened the door and let himself inside. He sat on the sofa bed and pushed the dirty sheets aside like they were infected with a mortal disease.

“I am not gonna ask you again. Where the fuck is it?” His angry eyes where burning like the rings of Mordor.
“It is not here…. Obviously” I said. I was proud of myself, I was actually calm, I knew what he could do, and I still was able to confront him.  

He got up really quickly, before I could move he grabbed me and pushed me to the wall, I gasped for air as he reached for my throat. Well of course he would do this, cutting my air supply was the easiest way to make me break down, I obviously could not live without air, Could I?

To be continued......


jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Like Crazy

I thought I understood it, but I
didn’t… Not really. I knew the 
smudgeness of it. The eagerness of
 it. The idea of it. Of a “you and me.”
- Like crazy- 

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

The very strange and real story of an unusual girl in the unfamiliar world of Archaiceece (Part III)


Claude was taking the lead. I was in the middle and Cade was walking loudly behind me, I knew he was just taking precautions in case I was a  psycho and decided to stab him in the back or something. He was not going to let that happen. 
We were walking farther and farther away from where they first found me. Now, I needed to concentrate. I had already proven that this was not a dream. Lets look at the facts: I took a nap, woke up in the middle of a forest, found a small boy and his father that looked like they came from a renaissance fair, the way they are dressed is ridiculous, and the way they look at my jeans, converse and simple blue t-shirt is weird, they make me feel self conscious.  What is happening? I truly did not understand what was I doing here, following this little boy, being scared by his father, in a unknown world. What I do know is that I need to find a way back, back home, back to my soft bed, back to my life. That is my new purpose. 

We are almost there- Cade said.   It was now or never.
Excuse me Cade, mmm Sir- My voice sounded weird. - Where are we? I mean, what state are we in? 
State?- Cade asked with confusion
Or country, what is the name of this place?-
You truly do not know where you are girl?- Cade asked, even though I was not facing him I knew that the roughness in his face against me was drifting away. 

Well, you do look like you are not from here, what you are wearing anyway? Its the weirdest thing I have ever seen.- 
It is just clothes Sir. -
Just clothes, ha- Cade said with clear mockery 
I like what your are wearing- Claude interrupted
Thank you Claude- I answered. I liked this boy. 
Well Lea, we are in the kingdom of Labotia the only place in Archaiceece were men can really be free.- As Cade said this I noticed a genuine love for this place, this place I knew nothing about, this place where I was now lost, this place that I now wanted to know everything about. 

What is Archaiceece? - I asked intrigued
You truly are ignorant girl- Cade said laughing.
That is a long story, and we are almost home, I reckon you are thirsty and hungry, I´ll tell you everything you want to know when your belly is full and your mind is clear.-

To be continued.....  


martes, 21 de junio de 2011

The very strange and real story of an unusual girl in the unfamiliar world of Archaiceece (Part II)


Claude wanted to approach the weirdly dressed girl, he wanted to warn her that she might not be safe in this part of the woods, put mostly he wanted to ask her about what she was wearing and why was she alone and resting in such a weird place. Maybe she was tiered, or hurt. Or maybe she was dangerous. This thought unsettled him. He was at a safe distance from her, he could just turn around and run.
Claude, what are you doing?-
The voice of his father startled him at first, but then he felt safe, because if this girl was dangerous, she could not be a match against his father, I mean in the end she was just a girl, girls were not aloud to use swords, or mostly any weapon.
Claude turned slowly to his father.
There is a girl on the clearing- He said. His voice was shaking inexplicably.
His father gave two steps and finally noticed what Claude was talking about. His face turned into a blank expression, one that Claude had never seen in him, it scared him a little bit.

Lea decided it was time to get up, or at least try to seat. She put her hands on the wet grass and pushed quickly with determination. The world seemed to spin for a moment but then she managed to get a clear view again. She heard footsteps coming from behind. She turned to face a young boy with freckles dressed in an antiquated way, standing beside him was a big scary looking man. He had reddish hair, but not in a cute way like the kid did, he had pronounced frowning marks on his forehead and his mouth was tight indicating sadness or anger. He was built like a viking, at least what she thought a viking would look like, or a guy that spends to much time at the gym and then goes to live in a cabin at the forest.

Who are you and what are you doing at this part of the woods?- If Lea was scared before by the appearance of this man, she was now terrified. His voice was not warm at all. For a moment she forgot she could speak, she tried to open her mouth to breathe out something, but she could not.

I asked you a question.- After what seemed like and eternity she managed to breathe out very softly: Lea. 

I didn't hear you-  the man spoke again with more roughness in his voice than before. My name is Lea- she finally said. - I don't know what I am doing in this part of the woods because I don't know where I am. 

The expression on the man changed, he looked puzzled.
Dad, she is lost - the small boy said smiling at Lea. He then approched her with confidence.
My name is Claude, this is my father Cade-.  I smiled at Claude and then looked at his father. Can you get up girl?- He asked his voice changing a little bit.

I guess I can try- I said, and then Cade extended his arm to me, I took his big and rough hand and he helped me get up. My legs felt weird, they trembled a little bit but I managed to not fall.
We should help her Dad.- Claude said with pleading eyes to his father.  Cade looked dubious, then he turned and simply said, follow me-.


Carla S. Arzuffi

The very strange and real story of an unusual girl in the unfamiliar world of Archaiceece


She had no idea how she got there, everything was bright and unsettling. The last thing she remembered was taking a nap on her bed holding tight her fluffy blue pillow.
Was she dead? In the hospital? Or maybe just dreaming. She pinched herself hard, it hurted, it hurted a lot. She gave herself a heavy slap on her cheek. Damn! It hurts again.
The brightness was slowly drifting away and shapes started to take form, colors started to make sense.
I think those are trees - she thought to herself.
She just now realized that she was laying on her back, there was something soft and wet on the ground. She was growing conscious of her body and this new place around her. She turned her head to her right confirming that she was laying on grass and that those shapes were indeed trees. She closed her eyes, her eyelids felt heavy and weird. She tried to concentrate. Ok.
What is your name?- She asked herself.
Lea - she answered proudly. She proceeded to try to remember who she was. She did remember, she remembered everything: her mom, dad, sister, dog, house, school, friends, kisses, fights, bruises, EVERYTHING.
She started to breathe slowly concentrating on the sound her lungs  made. When she again opened her eyes she knew where she was.
I am in a forest - she breathed out slowly. She perfectly heard her clear voice. It was her voice, the same as always, the same sound.
Even though it was just sound, it brought her a great deal of comfort hearing herself speak out-loud. It was one familiar thing in this unfamiliar place. Sure, she knew what a forest was, she remembered going to one or two or even three in her childhood, but this forest wasn't one she recognized. Did she?, forests are very similar: trees, grass, birds and that stuff, but still, even though she knew forests, she knew this forest was different, she just knew it. How? Well that she did not know. Why would she be in a forest in the first place?.

As she decided what to do, someone was looking at the lost girl in the forest, he could not get his eyes off of her, it was weird finding people at this part of the forest, and to find a girl, what a shock! But this wasn't all, this girl or woman, was wearing the weirdest of clothing. Claude, being 7 years old thought he had seen a bit of everything (He once even got to  catch a glimpse of the royal party, with the king and all) but this was definitely strange.

To be continued......

Carla S. Arzuffi

Ps: Maybe  you noticed the new design for the blog, Im liking it, if you don´t, please do tell. NOT.
Also you now can also access National Imaginary Blog from here:

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

One month later

What is the point of this entry?. Well Im a busy busy bee. Im not on vacations YET. Stupid me (and smart me too) decided for summer school this year. Puaaaaajjjjjjj. I am NOT enjoying this at all! Waking up at 5:20 am every single fucking day is just not right, Why did I did this to myself?: Clearly pure masochism. 
AH yes, the point of this entry is just to let y¨all know that SOON (humhum) I will be posting  some............
good stuff. But for now I gotta go back to studying, because tomorrow chan chan chan I will have an exam 
about Hermeneutics and psychoanalysis of culture (Freud Freud Freud and Freud) symbol, pleasure, sign, desire, dream, death drive, metapsychology and bla bla bla bla all the good stuff. 

Yes I do realize I am avoiding my duties while writing this post. STOP IT. 

ps: Help!


jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011

Rouse "The screenplay"

Hiddy-ho neighbors
After considering this for a while I decided to share this. 
You guys remember this story I wrote named Rouse? If you don't, scroll down. 
(This is not an order) 
Well I decided to make it a Screenplay. Why? Well, I have been writing
a lot of screenplays lately, so it was only matter of time
that Rouse became one. 

If you guys aren't familiar with screenplays let me just give you
 3 tips.   
- INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY- This explains the setting, where (Int= Interior) and time of
the day. (I guess this is pretty obvious) 
- V.O= Means Voice Over, we don't see the character ACTUALLY talking, in this case it is
all going inside his head, like a narrator (Im sure if you see movies you are all
very familiar with this resource) 
- O.S= Means Off screen, we don't actually see the character, we just hear the voice.  
The rest Im pretty sure you can figure it out by your own.

Now before you can start reading or after (Im annoying right?) I recommend
you look on a dictionary (Or google it, like Im sure you will prefer to do, lazy bastards)  
the word ROUSE

And last but not least I must say you SHOULD NOT try to steal even a 
word of this screenplay, Why? Well it is called respect and also because
you would be involved in a lot of legal problems since this
screenplay is already officially and legally registered ® by my name,
that means I own it forever and always. (Sorry, I have to warn you),
and so here it is: 

Hope you enjoyed it,
I leave the interpretation to you guys,

And NO, this has NOTHING to do with the famous glittery vampires, ok?

Maybe, just maybe, I will post another screenplay. Who knows?!


domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011


First of all, I am sorry because I was clearly ignoring my blog ( and I am very fond of him), and yes I have been very busy but that is no excuse, o no. There are so many things I would love to talk about or show you guys, BUT (ohh yeah there is always a but) I am now somehow speechless or more like Brainless, is that even possible? 

So you may be thinking, "Hey dude, if you are now Brainless why are you writing and making us read this stupid entry if you are not gonna say or show us anything interesting?" (It can have more or less bad words, your choice), and my answer is " I don't know".

Im sure, very sure actually, that all of you have gone trough this brainless situation (Some people are actually forever-brainless, but that is not the point) and it is an interesting thing to experience. 

It feels like you wanna do too much, express and feel too much, live too much, think too much that you end up at this limbo place where you do neither. I'm not saying its a "sad" place or bullshit like that, its just your brain saying "Come on, for once leave me alone" or "I am sick of you always relaying on me for everything".

Whatever the reason you start to float trough life, ignore many things and just keep yourself entertained by unimportant things, doped-zombie-like. 

And you guys know what? It is actually relaxing and it can be a happy place, BUT ( there is this annoying but again) it is not a choice of life, IT IS NOT, it shouldn't be. 

I have always had this idea, this conviction that you shouldn't just drift trough life, that you should stop and think, and think, and think, and use your brain, it is there for that friggin' reason, and it holds so much potential (wow I now feel like I am giving this inspirational do-do chessy speech).

I dont know why am I writing this in the first place, maybe,  just maybe, my brain wants to start working again. Yep, that is probably it. 

Well yeah, the whole point of this entry (if there is a point) is .... no, I guess there is no point. Just random rant, an urge to express something and nothing at the same time.
Oh well, might as well say good night.

Good night. 

Carla Sierra Arzuffi

domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

New Obsessions

I have this new obsessions that I need to share, 
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did and do. 
Gabriele Münter

Henri Manguin 
(I already was a little bit in
love with him but it has been growing strongly)

Darío de Regoyos y Valdés

Ferdinand du Puigaudeau

Toulouse Lautrec
(Well I have loved Toulouse for a while
now Im just surprised I have not mentioned
it earlier, better late than never)

Jean Louis Forain

Childe Hassam
( I absolutely love this kind 
of paintings)

Lucian Freud
(Just a curious fact of this AMAZING 
DARING painter, he is the grandson of the
other very famous Freud, yes Im talking
about Sigmund.)

Christian Schad

Greetings Imaginary Readers,
Carla Sierra Arzuffi